Jdmbagirl's Blog

Things I liked, disliked and ways to improve J506. | May 3, 2009

The group projects were very effective and I deeply enjoyed seeing everyone’s presentations about the ethical companies.  The exemplary leader paper was fun too because it provided us a chance to be in charge of gathering information about a leader we admire and developing that information into a profile of the leader.  The assignments were good. Dislikes…that is hard to say. We did a lot of video case-studies but it may be nice to have a few more supplemental articles or case studies on companies or leaders who are doing the job right.  Overall, as you can see from some of my blogs and you will read in my final leadership paper, I have truly learned from this class and adjusted my way of thinking about leaders and leadership.  For that reason, I have little to offer by way of suggestions for change; as far as I’m concerned it worked.

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About author

I am a joint JD/MBA student who will be graduating soon. I go to school at night and work full time during the day as a paralegal. I have a previous professional life in social services.





